Holy Thursday

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 29•12

Our Eighth Graders this year took a leadership role in our annual Holy Thursday Retreat.  For the first time, they depicted the Last Supper and also lead the school with a living rosary highlighting the Sorrowful Mysteries.  The retreat concluded with the traditional Stations of the Cross presented by the Sixth Graders.  The messages that students delivered at the arrival of each Station were meaningful, and relatable. Throughout the day the students had the opportunity to open their hearts to Jesus and feel their spirituality growing.

The entire OLQA Community would like to thank all the priests, students, teachers, and parents, who helped made this morning a lasting memory.



OLQA Golf Tournament

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 22•12


The Golf Tournament was blessed with a bright, sunny day filled with great OLQA community spirit on Thursday, March 22nd!  Golfers and volunteers enjoyed the beautiful venue at Arroyo Trabuco Golf Course.  Many thanks are extended to Jeremy Laster, our chairperson and Lori Swastek, volunteer coordinator and their committee for the wonderful job in planning this fun event.  Many volunteers and golfers are already making plans for next year!


Eighth Grade Service Project

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 19•12

Our 8th grade students are connecting the generations within our church community with their Eighth Grade Service Project.  They have become pen pals with willing senior parishioners who have 60 or more years of life experience. For months the students and seniors have exchanged letters and gotten to know each other on many different levels. The intent of these letters has been to forge a bond between generations. This has been an excellent opportunity for our seniors to share their faith and perhaps a few important life lessons they have learned during the course of their lives. In turn, our 8th graders have given a glimpse of the present teen scene to these seniors.

On Monday, March 19th, the 8th grade class hosted and prepared a luncheon honoring the seniors of OLQA parish and connected face to face with their pen pals. The parish hall was transformed into a lovely dining area for our students and seniors to meet and share stories.  This was truly a hands on project that makes everyone proud at OLQA School and exemplifies our Catholic identity.

Thank you to the Eighth Grade teachers, Mrs. Van and Mrs. Donovan, the room mothers, Mrs. Deeb and Mrs. Strader, all the Eighth Grade mothers who volunteered, and Mr. Sumner for tunes he sang at the piano for this very receptive audience.

Celebrating Catholic Identity/Transfer of the Relics

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 16•12

The Relics

OLQA students continue to celebrate their Catholic Identity. Some recent faith-based events include the 5th Grade field trip to the Los Angeles Cathedral, the 2nd Grade field trip to Sacred Heart Retreat Center,and the Penance Service for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grade students.

On Thursday, March 15th Father Kerry during his homily explained to our students what relics are and which saints’ relics are in our altar. Some of our students partnered with Father Kerry and gave an in-depth presentation about the lives of these particular saints. After Mass, the students had the opportunity to see the relics first hand before they returned to class.

On Friday, our students traveled to the new church location with Father Kerry as he brought the relics to the new altar to be buried. It was quite an exodus, our 1st – 8th grade students journeying across the street to bear witness to this historical event. The students watched as Father Kerry, along with Father Dave deposited the relics at the new altar. Once he placed the relics in the ground, the massive marble altar was placed over the relics with the assistance of a tractor loader. It was a treasured opportunity for our students and parish community!

Scenes from the afternoon



St. Patrick’s Day Fun

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 16•12

Students enjoyed a fun-filled day, as Irish tunes played, and OLQA School was decorated with green! The student council held a  fundraiser earlier in the week collecting money for charity.  Each student that participated by donating $1 (or more) was rewarded with free dress – Green and Jeans. Students also enjoyed CDM Yogurt’s green frozen yogurt cones. Thank you to room mom coordinators, Mrs. McGee and Mrs. Selva for all your help in making this day festive.


OLQA Sports Corner

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 15•12

Save the date and start training for the PAL Track Meet at Saddleback College!  

Saturday, May 19th –  (1st – 4th grade)

Sunday, May 20th – (5th– 8th grade)

Photos of last season’s teams

Boys Varsity Volleyball

Boys Junior Varsity Volleyball 



Co-ed Kickball (3rd – 5th grade)!




Chess Tournament

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 14•12

Congratulations to the winners of our 2012, 2nd trimester Chess Tournament:

1st place – Brad Lowe

2nd Place – Keith Openshaw

3rd Place – Lucas Philips

4th Place – Nicolas Hinker and Joshua Quick

5th Place – Paul Habeeb


Next Year’s Auction – Save the Date!

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 07•12

The date is set for next year’s auction!  Saturday, December 1, 2012!

The theme is “grow love and nurture faith.”

Be sure to mark your calendars now. It is shaping up to be an amazing night!

Thank you to our auction co-chairs, Chimene Neglia and Erica Delorme! For more information contact them at neglia@roadrunner.com or ekdelorme@me.com


Anti-Bully Presentation to Students (and Parents!)

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 07•12


Jerry Weichman, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist and Adolescent Specialist, a well known speaker and expert on bullying made a presentation to our 6th through 8th grade students  and to parents, separately on March 7th. Dr. Weichman, of Hoag Neurosciences Institute, addressed the latest trends in school-age bullying, how to become bully proof, and how to be the “anti-bully” for others. For more than 14 years, he has specialized in helping teens deal with bullying, “sexting” & teen dating violence, and drug & alcohol abuse. He is a published author and has been speaking publicly for more than 4 years about helping and parenting today’s teens. This was an informative and impactful day for all that attended!


OLQA Decathlon Team

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 03•12

First row is Chloe Henson, Madeline Frank, Anne Otterbein, Alexa Bonanno, Coach Catherine Patel, Maddie Tutton, Gabby Spivey, Coach Patel, Chloe Wallace, McCallister Selva, Riley Gladych, Coach Moore, Cami Dang, Claire Otterbein, Elias Deeb, and Alexander Polny. Not pictured-Marcus Lusescu.

OLQA Decathlon Team competed against fifteen schools at Santa Margarita Catholic High School.  Our team won a team medal for 3rd Place in Logic. Also, three members of the team won individual medals. They are McCallister Selva, 4th Place in English, Emily McCormick, 3rd Place in Science, and Elias Deeb, 2nd Place in Current Events.

On behalf of the entire OLQA Community, we sincerely thank our decathletes for their determination and dedication. Preparation was arduous and competition day was long and mentally challenging! Thank you to the teachers and parents who formed a strong support system for all our decathletes.