6th Grade Science Camp

Written By: Feng V - Dec• 04•13

The morning of October 7th  the 6th grade students waived goodbye to their parents as they departed for a week long Outdoor Science Camp near Running Springs. Students learned about ecology, botany, animals, and astronomy while enjoying the outdoors and having fun.  6th grade teachers, Ms. Nealey and Mr. Landero accompanied the students. A tradition at OLQA School is for these campers to receive a warm homecoming from the OLQA student body and faculty – and that they did!

Parent Parties!!

Written By: Feng V - Dec• 04•13

A very sincere thanks to our Room Mothers for planning and organizing our grade level parent parties! Our Room Mothers do a tremendous job of coordinating these community-building events for OLQA School. We all look forward to them each year!

From October through December, parent parties are well attended and old and new friends are joining together for a visit.  Here are some highlights of parties to date:

The 1st Grade Parent Party was a fun time for all as guests enjoyed an evening at Wildfish Restaurant!

4th Grade:  



President’s Message

Written By: Feng V - Dec• 02•13

Hello and Welcome to Angel Notes for the 2013-2014 school year!

As time seems to fly by faster than ever, it’s hard to believe that we are already into 2014 at  OLQA!  From 6th Grade Science Camp to Red Ribbon Week, our school year  to date has been filled with a constant stream of activities and milestones that have enriched our children in many ways.   We share these events with our school families  through the Parent Service Auxiliary (PSA) newsletter called Angel Notes.

Published live throughout the school year,  Angel Notes features  school, student and family events while  including categories such as Academics, Catholic Identity, Extracurricular Activities, Fundraising & Outreach, School News/Events/Programs, Sports and Student Enrichment to name a few.

On behalf of the 2013-2014 PSA Board, we hope you will find this issue of Angel Notes an enjoyable and enlightening read filled with photos of our “angels”,  families and faculty.


Christy Frank

President, Parent Service Auxiliary 2013-2014

Red Ribbon Week – “Don’t Monkey Around with Drugs”

Written By: Feng V - Dec• 02•13



“I Pledge To Be Drug Free”

  • All students pledged to be drug free at morning assembly and signed their name during the day on the Drug Free Banner. Teachers take this opportunity to talk to the students about what it means to pledge to be drug free on this day and “Drug Free Wrist Bands” are passed out.


“Red Ribbon on the Fence for Each Class”

  • Each student received a red ribbon to tie to the white fence at the exit of our parking lot. The Red Ribbon banner and red ribbons hung on the fence all week.


Team Up Against Drugs”

  • Students and teachers wore their favorite team shirt to school that day – talk about team spirit!


Sock It to Drugs”

  • Students wore crazy socks to school. This was a fun way to remind students that it is fun to be a part of saying no to drugs.


“Bump, Set, Spike It to Drugs!!!”

  • Eighth Grade Varsity Volleyball players competed in a friendly volleyball match against faculty.  All students watched and cheered for both teams!!!

Scenes from the week….

Joy Jar Update

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 31•13

To date, OLQA school has raised over $3,400 for the NEGU Foundation through Student Council bake sales, the Sponsor-A-Jar program and classroom coin drives. Additionally, we have collected over 400 pairs of socks, nearly 300 boxes of crayons and markers, over 400 games and toys and 221 packs of playing cards!

Our goal has been to assemble one Joy Jars or Joy Bag per student, which will be distributed to pediatric patients undergoing cancer treatments. That’s nearly 480 Joy Jars or Bags to help put smiles on those patients’ faces.  We are close to making that goal! To make a donation or Sponsor-A-Jar, please contact Student Enrichment Co-Chairs, Jen Awad or Christie McKenna. Thank you to these wonderful ladies for bringing this opportunity to our students and supporting a great cause.

Students will be assembling the Joy Jars and Bags on June 4th.  Please contact Mrs. Awad if you would like to volunteer.

For more information about this organization, please visit:





Children’s Choir Musical

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 22•13

The OLQA Children’s Choir put on a beautiful performance of God’s Word, a Fast Forward through the Old Testament. Written by Allen Pote and Tom Long, this engaging and inspiring retelling of God’s faithfulness to His people enriched the spirit of all that attended. The Choir is made up of 3rd-8th graders who attend OLQA school and/or the parish and is directed by Diana Landis. Piano, organ, and drums accompanied the singing and acting. Thank you to all involved in making this a performance to remember!

Scenes from the performance…

Math Family Night

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 20•13

OLQA’s second annual Family Math Night was another success! Parents and students from Grades 1-5 enjoyed a pizza dinner and moved from station to station playing math games and being challenged. Thank you to the teachers and families that attended and made this night possible!


Academic Decathlon

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 19•13

Congratulations to all the members of this year’s Academic Decathlon Team, and to the faculty and parents who supported the Team throughout the year!

Nicole Fenton received an individual medal for religion and McCallister Selva received one for English. Good job students!


Eighth Grade Service Project Luncheon

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 18•13

On March 18th, our Eighth Grade class hosted a luncheon for our senior friends at OLQA. During the past year these Eighth Grade students wrote letters to these senior friends, and crafted beautiful finger rosaries as luncheon favors. The students also baked apple pies and Irish soda bread, and made potato soup for their guests. The most impressive part of all was how gracefully our students interacted with their guests. The Catholic Identity of Our Lady Queen of Angels School was clearly evident for all to see, feel, and enjoy!

Thank you to our Eighth Grade Room Mothers, Mrs. Selva, Mrs. Luna, Mrs. Frank, and Mrs. Garcia for all the organizing that went into this event and to the Eighth Grade mothers who helped serve the delicious lunch. Your children reflect your kindness and support.

Orange County Science and Engineering Fair

Written By: Feng V - Mar• 18•13

OLQA’s 7th and 8th Grade students participated at the Orange County Science and Engineering Fair on March 18-20th and received seven awards for their science projects.Great work students!

8th Grade:

McCallister Selva, Pharmacology Category – Special Award from the American Academy of Audiology

Alexa Bonanno, Pharmacology Category – Special Award from the American Academy of Audiology

7th Grade:

John Shepherd

  1. First Place in the Chemistry Category
  2. Nominated to participate at the Broadcom Masters National Science Fair
  3. Nominated to participate at the California State Fair
  4. Special Award from the Office of Naval Research

Kendall Dewey, Zoology Category -Honorable Mention Award

Nicole Fenton, Zoology Category – Honorable Mention Award

Hailee Andry, Zoology Category – Honorable Mention Award