National Red Ribbon Week 2014

Written By: Feng V - Nov• 25•14


“I Pledge To Be Drug Free”

  • All students pledged to be drug free at morning assembly and signed their name during the day on the Drug Free Banner. Teachers take this opportunity to talk to the students about what it means to pledge to be drug free on this day and “Drug Free Wrist Bands” are passed out.


“Red Ribbon on the Fence for Each Class”

  • Each student received a red ribbon to tie to the white fence at the exit of our parking lot. The Red Ribbon banner and red ribbons hung on the fence all week.


Team Up Against Drugs”

  • Students and teachers wore their favorite team  jersey to school that day – talk about team spirit!


Sock It to Drugs”

  • Students wore crazy socks to school. This was a fun way to remind students that it is fun to be a part of saying no to drugs.


“Bump, Set, Spike It to Drugs!!!”

  • OLQA Volleyball players competed in a friendly volleyball match against faculty.  All students watched and cheered for both teams!!!

Scenes from the week….

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