The purpose of Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic School Parent Service Auxiliary is threefold:
- To provide service to the school
- To build community
- To provide fundraising for the school
Executive Board
President: Jennifer Klingler
V.P. (s) Programs: Christy Frank and Sophie Kubichek
V.P. (s) Ways and Means: Erica DeLorme and Chimene Neglia
V.P. Volunteers: Renee Roehrdanz
Secretary: Wendy Fanticola
Treasurer: Lorie Swatsek
Parliamentarian: Debbie Speier
Standing Committees
Room Parents Chairs: Ashley Rodi and Keree James
Hot Lunch Chairs: Michelle Brown and Shannon Pozzuoli
Hospitality Chair: Michelle Levis and Julie Alvarado
Publicity Chair: Michelle Cormier
Enrichment Chairs: Jen Awad and Christie McKenna
Membership Chairs: Reggie Finnegan and Tiffany King
Catholic Program Chairs: Heather Ferrero and Leslie Van Dalsam