Holiday Outreach

Written By: Feng V - Dec• 10•11

A Schoolwide Tradition – November & December 2011

 It is a tradition at Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic School that each November, our students hold their annual drive to help Catholic Charities collect items for those in need.  This tradition has always been a wonderful opportunity for our students to share with those less fortunate by bringing personal hygiene items, and canned/packaged food.

During the month of December, OLQA families participated in Adopt A Family by providing gifts for needy families. Each class was responsible for supporting one family. The gifts were picked up by Catholic Charities for our eighteen families in need.

The Schoolwide Learning Expectation (SLE) that is demonstrated with this outreach is that a student of Our Lady Queen of Angels is a “Faith-Filled Catholic who responds compassionately to the needs of others.”

Thank you to all the families for your generosity and to the teachers for organizing this holiday drive!

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